Abstract Submission


Presentation Guidelines for The 7th EMS Asia Thailand 2025

Page set-up: The 7th EMS Asia Thailand 2025 utilizes a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio for all presentations. Please ensure your slides are formatted accordingly.

First Slide Information: Include essential details such as the title of your paper, authors’ names, and affiliations on the first slide of your presentation.

Language: All presentations must be conducted in English to ensure clear communication among attendees.

Media files: As a precaution, bring all media files with you to the meeting, even though you’ve embedded them in your slide presentation. While we can help with many aspects of your talk on-site, we can’t “fix” a missing media file.

Presentation Time: Note that you will need to prepare a 12-minute presentation of the submitted abstract, including Q&A.

Presentation-slides Upload & Test:

All presentations are handled by our onsite presentation management system. All presenters must upload their slide presentation at the PREVIEW ROOM at the conference venue before going to their conference room. There will not be an option to use your own device.

Please bring your USB device to PREVIEW ROOM at least two hours before your session begins, or the day before if presenting in the first morning session and test your presentation prior to the start of your session.

Should you require assistance with uploading or presenting, technicians will be available at PREVIEW ROOM. Always bring a back-up copy of your slide presentation and media files with you to your session onsite.

*TCEP reserves rights to modify guidelines as necessary